Theora video compression
Theora is a free and open video compression format from the Foundation. Like all our multimedia technology it can be used to distribute film and video online and on disc without the licensing and royalty fees or vendor lock-in associated with other formats.
Theora scales from postage stamp to HD resolution and beyond, and is considered particularly competitive at low bitrates. It is in the same class as MPEG-4/DiVX, and like the Vorbis audio codec it has lots of room for improvement and encoder technology develops.
The bitstream format for Theora I was frozen Thursday, 2004 July 1. All bitstreams encoded since will remain compatible with future releases.
- The libtheora reference implementation provides the standard encoder and decoder under a BSD license. [libtheora-1.0]
- You may also be interesting in testing our interim releases toward libtheora 1.2. [libtheora-1.2.0beta1] [Source code repository]
Both of implementations depend on the following libraries...
- libogg-1.3.5
- libvorbis-1.3.7
- libSDL 1.2 or later for the playback example
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Theora Format Specification
- libtheora 1.1 API reference
- libtheora 1.2 API reference
Downloads to help you play or encode Ogg Theora files.
- ffmpeg2theora command line encoder
- VLC player
- Helix Player
- Windows Media plugins
- Apple Quicktime