liboggz 1.1.3
Ogg basics | |
Configuration | |
Installation | |
Building against liboggz | |
Oggz Read API | Oggz parses Ogg bitstreams, forming ogg_packet structures, and calling your OggzReadPacket callback(s) |
Oggz Seek API | Oggz can seek on multitrack, multicodec bitstreams |
Semantics of seeking in Ogg bitstreams | |
Using OggzMetric | |
Writing by force feeding Oggz | Force feeding involves synchronously: |
Writing with OggzHungry callbacks | You can add packets to the Oggz packet queue only when it is "hungry" by providing an OggzHungry callback |
Oggz Write API | Oggz maintains a packet queue, such that you can independently add packets to the queue and write an Ogg bitstream |