liboggz 1.1.3
Here is a list of all modules:
 Ogg basics
 Building against liboggz
 Oggz Read APIOggz parses Ogg bitstreams, forming ogg_packet structures, and calling your OggzReadPacket callback(s)
 Oggz Seek APIOggz can seek on multitrack, multicodec bitstreams
 Semantics of seeking in Ogg bitstreams
 Using OggzMetric
 Writing by force feeding OggzForce feeding involves synchronously:
 Writing with OggzHungry callbacksYou can add packets to the Oggz packet queue only when it is "hungry" by providing an OggzHungry callback
 Oggz Write APIOggz maintains a packet queue, such that you can independently add packets to the queue and write an Ogg bitstream