liboggz 1.1.3
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 oggz.hThe liboggz C API
 oggz_comments.hReading of comments
 oggz_constants.hGeneral constants used by liboggz
 oggz_deprecated.hDeprecated interfaces
 oggz_io.hOverriding the functions used for input and output of raw data
 oggz_off_t.hArchitecture-dependent type and printf format for file position
 oggz_off_t_generated.hArchitecture-dependent type for oggz_off_t
 oggz_packet.hPacket positioning
 oggz_read.hInterfaces for reading Ogg files and streams
 oggz_seek.hSeeking within files
 oggz_stream.hInterfaces for querying Ogg streams
 oggz_table.hA lookup table
 oggz_write.hInterfaces for writing Ogg files and streams